Tools to tune Trionic based Saab and Opel Engines

T5 CAN Flasher II

t5canflasher2The T5 CAN Flasher II is an Open Source tool used to read and write software in Trionic 5 based ECU’s. It has a clean informative User Interface that shows rich information about your ECU and BIN file.

Easy selection of CAN adapter

  • Lawicel
  • Combi
  • Mictronics
  • Just4Trionic
  • Kvaser HS

Remembers your selection for next time.

Rigorous checking of all CAN bus transfers and FLASH update progress to give you greater confidence that your FLASH actually updated.

  • If it didn’t you are told about the failure and have the option to try to recover your ECU by retrying your update.
  • Don’t close T5 CAN Flasher or disconnect power to your ECU otherwise you won’t be able to try to recover your ECU and BDM recovery will be your only option.

Uses a new version of MyBooty which works with more types of replacement FLASH chips:

  • Atmel AT29C010A
  • AT29C512 (T5.2)
  • AMIC 29010L
  • ST M29F010
  • Microchip SST39SF010A
  • AMD 29F010 chips
  • Original AMD/Intel/CSI 28F010 (28F512 in T5.2 ECUs).

Can ‘convert’ a T5.5 ECU for use as a T5.2 ECU (and back again)

Update a T5.5 ECU with T5.5 a ‘standard’ 128 kB T5.2 BIN file without having to create a double T5.2 BIN first.

Reading (DUMPing) a ‘converted’ T5.5 ECU produces a standard 128 kB T5.2 BIN

System Requirements

A PC running Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10.
Microsoft .NET 4

Download T5CanFlash.msi (951 KiB)

MD5 Checksum

Changelog CanFlasher
Add missing mictronics dll, thanks MIA! ( 15:00:00 GMT
Do not connect automatically on start, thanks MIA! ( 15:00:00 GMT
Adapter dropdown not editable anymore ( 15:00:00 GMT
Fix for T52ECU flash, thanks Chriva! ( 15:00:00 GMT
Kvaser support ( 15:00:00 GMT
Fix broken handling when no adapter was selected. Now default to lawicel. ( 15:00:00 GMT
New combilib for .net 4.0. ( 15:00:00 GMT
Changed to regular .net4 from client. New versions. ( 15:00:00 GMT
Redid the UAC fix for commlog.txt. ( 15:00:00 GMT
Fixed nullpointer and UAC security issue with commlog.txt file creation. ( 15:00:00 GMT
Fixed release script ( 15:00:00 GMT
Add t5canflasher release script ( 15:00:00 GMT
mackan: Set properties to x86 and updated to .net 4 ( 15:00:00 GMT
Just4pLeisure: T5CANLib - Use WMI to find Just4Trionic COM port ( 15:00:00 GMT